Aguas de Barcelona in Mexico; water not drinkable, expensive and only for a few

Saltillo, Mexico, drinking and waste water service has been concessioned to the spanish company Aguas de Barcelona, a subsidiary of the french Suez. Under the name of Aguas de Saltillo, it offers expensive water that doesn't even fulfil basic drinking water requirements. Furthermore, the company does not comply with the contractual obligation of expanding the service network.

The User's Association of Aguas de Saltillo (AUAS) is following the activities of the company and has found that in some of the water sources that supply the city with drinking water, the levels of arsenic exceed the allowed maximum.

In fact, the company has not even obtained the sanitary certificate for drinking water required by the Health Secretary. Of the 46 parameters of water quality which have to be verified for this certificate, Aguas de Saltillo verifies only total and faecal coliform bacteria, as well as free residual chlorine. At he same time, AUAS confirms that Aguas de Saltillo is over-exploiting the aquifers for its supply.

AUAS is also denouncing unjustified price increases: for example, between May 2002 and August 2004, the prices increased by approximately 68%, while the National Consumer Price index increased only 10,67% in the same period.

Aguas de Saltillo has ignored resolutions of the City Council, requiring the company to lower service fees. Following this, a group of users presented a collective complained before the Federal Administration for Consumer Protection (PROFECO) in November 2004. The complaint was ruled in favour of the users on
May 15th 2006, obliging the company to pay a fine of 1,6 million mexian pesos. However, Aguas de Saltillo appealed the decision, and the Federal Tax and Administrative Court decided in the company�s favor in June 2007 saying that PROFECO�s decision was taken and notified past the deadline foreseen in the Federal Law for Consumer Protection.

This case illustrates how often the juridical systems installed to protect company rights violate human rights. In this sense, the case is presented before the PPT.

Key issues: Privatization of Public Services and violation of fundamental rights

Denouncing organizations: Asociaci�n de Usuarios
del Agua de Saltillo (M�xico)